Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well, I've Never Been to Spain

Well, I've never been to Spain
But, I kinda like the music...
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to...what the hellokitty do I care about the ladies...but you get the point. my opinion, I've never been to Spain.  Okay.  Technically I have and I haven't.  I've been to Barcelona a few times, but Barcelona is Catalan.  It's different from the rest of Espana, and I really want to make it to Madrid and a few other places.  I've even been to Portugal (for a day) and I loved Lisbon.  I've also been to BsAs.  I've been to many Latin countries in South America, but...Spain?  In my opinion, I have not seen Spain.

What made me start thinking about that part of the world?  I read a post about visiting Valencia and now I need to see Spain.  I want to see more than Valencia, but that would be a good start.  Read Valencia in 36 Hours? by fellow writer Jacqueline Church.

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